Creative Production and Project Management Lead


ADOBE + Imagine Dragons: Make the Cut

Dec 2018 :: DIGIDAY Awards
WINNER: Best Direct Response Campaign

Dec 2018 :: London International Awards
BRONZE: Digital, Branded Content

Sept 2018 :: Clio Awards
SILVER: Branded Management
SILVER: Social Media
SHORTLIST: Partnerships & Collaboration, PR/Branded Development
BRONZE (MUSIC AWARDS): Partnerships & Collaboration

Jun 2018 :: Cannes Lions
BRONZE: Brand Experience & Activation: Interactive Brand or Product Video
BRONZE: Social + Influencer

May 2018 :: National ADDYs

April 2018 :: SHORTY Awards
GOLD: Content & Media: Contest or promotion
GOLD: Strategy & Engagement: Call to Action
GOLD: Strategy & Engagement: Online Community

January 2018 :: IAC Awards
GOLD: Computer Software: Online Video
GOLD: Computer Software: Integrated Ad Campaign
GOLD: Computer Software: Social Media Campaign

April 2017 :: DIGIDAY Content Marketing Awards
WINNER: Most Effective/Measurable Campaign

STARBUCKS: Pumpkin Spice Latte Hatch Livestream

May 2018 :: National ADDYs

January 2018 :: IAC Awards
GOLD: Online Video

ADOBE PHOTOSHOP: There’s Magic Inside

April 2017 :: SHORTY Awards
WINNER: Strategy & Engagement - Gamification
GOLD: Design - Graphics
BRONZE: Content & Media - Contest or Promotion

STARBUCKS: #Goldlife Rewards

April 2017 :: SHORTY Awards
WINNER: Design - Art Direction
SILVER: Design - Graphics
BRONZE: Content & Media - Hashtag
